Accessing Corporate Governance Reports in English

A list of companies that have voluntarily submitted English translations of their Corporate Governance (CG) reports is available for download from the JPX website.

To access this page, click "Corporate Governance Reports" below and make sure you have selected the "Corporate Governance Reports" tab. Then, scroll down to the "English Translations of Corporate Governance Reports" section to download the list in Excel format. Click on the company name in the Excel spreadsheet to view the listed company's Corporate Governance Report.

Corporate Governance Reports

Currently, when users search for companies in Listed Company Search or Corporate Governance Information Search, the results only display the Japanese version of the corresponding documents under "Corporate governance information". We are planning to add a field to our Listed Company Search toward the end of March 2016, so that the results display the English version.

We appreciate your kind understanding as we improve the usability of our English features.


Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department
TEL:+81 3-3666-0141 (Switchboard)