Nikkei 225 mini Options

About Nikkei 225 mini Options

Nikkei 225 mini Options is a stock price index options contract on the Nikkei Stock Average (Nikkei 225).
Since the trading unit is one-tenth of the Nikkei 225 Options, the Nikkei 225 mini Options enables more detailed risk management.

Mini Size

Mini-sized options are now available. The trading unit of Nikkei 225 mini Options is option price x 100 yen (1/10 of Nikkei 225 Options), which allows you to trade options with a smaller amount.

Detailed Contract Month Setting

The expiration date for Nikkei 225 Options is set on the second Friday of each month, but for Nikkei 225 mini Options, it is set on every Friday of each month.
By utilizing the Nikkei 225 mini Options, which offers many opportunities to trade the contract months with shorter expiration dates, it is easier to trade at lower prices. Therefore, by using Nikkei 225 mini Options, which offer many opportunities to trade contract months with shorter expiration dates, it becomes easier to trade at lower prices.

[Comparison between Nikkei 225 mini Options and Nikkei 225 Options]

Item Nikkei 225 mini Options Nikkei 225 Options
Trading Hours <Day Session>8:45-15:15
<Night Session>16:30-6:00
Contract Months Contract months maturing in the 2nd week:
Nearest 3 contract months
Contract month maturing in a week other than the 2nd week*:
Nearest 4 contract months
June/December contract:
Most recent 16 contract months
March/September contract:
Most recent 3 contract months
Contract months other than the above:
8 most recent contract months
Expiration Date The business day preceding the expiration date
Expiration Date Each Friday (When each Friday is a non-business day, it shall be the preceding business day) The second Friday of each expiration month (When the second Friday is a non-business day, it shall be the preceding business day)
Final Settlement Cash settlement of the difference between the strike price and the Special Quotation on the expiration date
Trading Unit Option Price × ¥100 Option Price × ¥1,000

  • Contract month maturing in a week other than the 2nd week is categorized as "Weekly Contract".



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