File a Tip or Complaint on Possible Irregularities or Violations

We welcome information from the general public to assist us in our activities regarding unfair trading in JPX markets, trading participants‘ compliance with laws and regulations, the listing eligibility of listed companies, and the eligibility of new listing applicants.

Report Unfair Trading in JPX Markets Provide us with information on unfair trading in JPX markets (insider trading, market manipulation, spreading rumors, improper large acquisitions of shares, violations of the obligation to submit large shareholding reports, etc.).
Report Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations by Trading Participants Provide us with information regarding compliance in general at trading participants, including their business structures, entrustment and execution practices, and internal control systems.
Report Matters Affecting the Eligibility of Listed Companies Provide us with information regarding a listed company‘s eligibility for listing, such as the appropriateness of corporate disclosure, compliance with the Code of Corporate Conduct, and possible violations of the different delisting criteria.
Report Matters Affecting the Eligibility of Listing Applicants Provide us with information on any matters that may materially affect the eligibility of an initial listing applicant.

To provide information to the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission (SESC), please visit the following page.

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