Other Trading Rules

On-demand strike prices

On-demand strike prices offer a mechanism to add strike prices based on application from participants alongside normal strike prices that are automatically set according to the rules.
The new series will be available for trading from the first business day or the 15th (postponed to the next business day if the date falls on a non-business day; the same shall apply hereinafter) of each month.
A list of on-demand strikes to be added on the next business day will be available on the page below.

New/Additional Strike Prices


  • Nikkei 225 Options
  • TOPIX Options
  • JPX-Nikkei Index 400 Options
  • Options on JGB Futures
  • ・Excluding Nikkei 225 mini Options, Securities Options and Commodity Options

Contract Months

All the contract months traded on the first business day or 15th of each month trading participants wish to set new strike prices.

Strike Prices


Products Upper Limit Lower Limit
Nikkei 225 Options Within JPY30,000 from the last price of Nikkei 225 on the previous day of the application date. JPY10,000
TOPIX Options 4,000 pts. 500 pts.
JPX-Nikkei Index 400 Options 40,000 pts. 3,500 pts.
Options on JGB Futures JPY180.00 JPY130.00


Products Interval
Nikkei 225 Options JPY500
TOPIX Options 50 pts.
JPX-Nikkei Index 400 Options 500 pts.
Options on JGB Futures JPY0.5