Other Reports

Summary of Earnings Digests by Listed Companies


Regarding major items in financial statements (based on a full year) published by listed companies, Tokyo Stock Exchange compiles earnings data based on fiscal years ending in March, which is when most of the fiscal years end in Japan, to see how the market as a whole is performing.

Fiscal year 2022

Notes icon-pdf
Prime, Standard, & Growth icon-pdf icon-xls
Prime icon-pdf icon-xls
Standard icon-pdf icon-xls
Growth icon-pdf icon-xls

Fiscal year ending Mar.2023

Notes icon-pdf
Prime, Standard, & Growth icon-pdf icon-xls
Prime icon-pdf icon-xls
Standard icon-pdf icon-xls
Growth icon-pdf icon-xls
  • For individual company data (Excel), please refer to the "Financial Data of Listed Companies" page.
Financial Data of Listed Companies


Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Equities, Data Services