Report Non-Compliance with Laws and Regulations by Trading Participants

This page is for the public, including a wide range of interested parties and general investors, to provide us with information regarding general compliance issues, such as whether a trading participant's business structures, entrustment and execution activities, or internal control systems may be in violation of laws or regulations, or whether there are any problems with such systems.

Information provided will be used in our inspection and audit operations.


- Please note that due to legal confidentiality obligations, we are unable to respond to inquiries regarding the existence, schedule, progress, or results of any inspections or audits conducted based on the information provided.
- Please note that we do not provide consultation, mediation, or other services related to securities trading, nor do we respond to requests to solve individual issues.
- We only accept information on trading participants of JPX exchange markets. Lists of trading participants of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Exchange, and Tokyo Commodity Exchange can be found on the following page.

List of trading participants