Jan. 25, 2022 JPXOSE
OSE Signs Agreement to Cooperate on Establishing Osaka as a Global Financial City
Osaka Exchange, Inc. (OSE) today signed Agreement with Osaka Prefecture and Osaka City to cooperate on their project "Global Financial City OSAKA", which aims to establish Osaka as an international financial center. Please see the details below.
1. Purpose
Osaka Prefecture, Osaka City and OSE will create a partnership, communicating and cooperating closely while each leveraging their own resources to carry out various activities which contribute to establishing Osaka as a global financial city.
2. Activities for the partnership
(1) Distributing information about Global Financial City OSAKA
(2) Conducting financial literacy education
(3) Supporting the growth of start-up companies
(4) Other activities which contribute to the global financial city goal
As the western hub of Japan Exchange Group, Inc, OSE will work with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. and the Group as a whole toward the establishment of Osaka as a global financial city.
Japan Exchange Group, Inc. Corporate Communications (Osaka)
TEL: +81-(0)6-4706-0800