

Wide-area Map

TSE Wide-area map
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Detailed Map

TSE Detailed Map

Nearby Stations

Kayabacho Station Exit #11 (Tozai line) 5-minute walk
Kayabacho Station Exit #7 (Hibiya line) 7–minute walk
Nihombashi Station Exit #D2 (Toei Asakusa line) 5-minute walk
Tokyo Station Yaesu Chuo Exit (JR line) 20-minute walk

Direct access to Kayabacho Station
Nihombashi Station Exit #D2 (Tozai line, Hibiya line, Toei Asakusa line) 2-minute walk


Floor Guide

Floor Guide

Group/Individual Visitors

Visitors wishing to enter TSE Arrows or attend events held in the building should proceed to the west entrance for groups and individuals.
Other visitors may proceed to the south entrance.

  • ・Security checks are performed on all visitors upon entry.
  • ・There is no visitor car parking available and public transportation is recommended.

For more information on Visiting TSE Arrows, please click on the link below.

Visit TSE


2-1 Nihombashi Kabutocho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8224, Japan

Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (Head Office)
Tel: +81-3-3666-1361

Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc.
Tel: +81-3-3666-0141

Osaka Exchange, Inc. (Tokyo Branch)
Tel: +81-6-4706-0800

Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Inc.
Tel: +81-3-3666-1361

JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
Tel: +81-3-3666-1361

Japan Exchange Regulation
Tel: +81-3-3666-0431

Japan Securities Clearing Corporation
Tel: +81-3-3665-1234

  • ・Open on weekdays: 8:45 - 16:45