Dialogue with Shareholders

Policy for Constructive Dialogue with Shareholders

JPX aims to continuously increase its corporate value through the development of fair, transparent, and convenient markets. JPX is aware that to achieve this, it is important to listen to the voices of the different stakeholders. JPX will thus provide opportunities for active dialogue with shareholders and investors etc. to build a long-term relationship of trust.

System for Dialogue

Dialogue with shareholders and investors etc. are overseen by the executive officer in charge of IR. Actual meetings will take place with a director, executive officer, or the department in charge of IR, depending on the purpose of the meeting.
To raise the effectiveness of dialogue, the department in charge of IR will ensure that it coordinates closely to share information with other corporate divisions, including finance, corporate strategy, and general administration, as well as other divisions of JPX Group, including financial instruments exchange operators that are subsidiaries of JPX.

IR Activities

Activity Details
Company Briefings for Retail Investors We hold briefing sessions as and when necessary, including in an online format.
Company Briefings for Analysts and Institutional Investors We regularly hold financial results briefings and business briefings (JPX Investor Day).
Individual Meetings with Analysts and Institutional Investors We conduct individual meetings as and when necessary including in conference for institutional investors or in an online format.
Posting of IR Materials on Website
We post earnings reports, material on briefing sessions and general shareholders meetings, securities reports, medium-term management plans and other material on our website.

Dialogue with Shareholders

The following table shows information regarding dialogue with shareholders, investors, and others conducted by management and staff in FY2022.

Main correspondents Group CEO, CFO, Executive Officer in charge of Investor Relations, Investor Relations Department
Shareholders, investors, etc. with whom we had dialogue*
  • Individual Meetings
    Overseas investors: 96 companies
    Domestic investors: 23 companies
    Sell-side analysts: 17 companies

  • Company Briefings (held 4 times)
    Overseas investors: 19 companies
    Domestic investors: 27 companies
    Sell-side analysts: 27 companies
Main topics and interests
  • Market Restructuring of Tokyo Stock Exchange and its follow-up
  • Growth strategies and M&A opportunities to expand earnings
  • Approach to capital requirements and shareholder returns
Feedback to management and the board of directors
  • Reports and discussions on the dialogue at the board of directors meetings (twice a year)
  • Reporting of dialogue to management (quarterly)
Actions taken based on dialogue, etc.
  • Provision of a list of historical data such as cost of capital and various financial figures and indicators on the website
  • Clarification of capital requirements and additional operations for shareholder returns
  • Number of companies is total