Contributing to Society

By providing comprehensive financial and economic education, including life planning, JPX seeks to generate social value by resolving the challenge of improving financial literacy among citizens, and to enhance economic value over the medium to long term by expanding the investor base.

JPX Manebu Lab

JPX provides a variety of programs under the parent brand “JPX Manebu Lab” to develop comprehensive financial and economic education for a wide age range. ("Manebu" is a play on two words: the English 'money' and the Japanese word "manabu" meaning 'to learn.') In order to be able to provide a comprehensive assortment of accurate financial information that contributes to financial and life planning by individuals, we will continue to strengthen and improve our educational content going forward.

For Working Adults

Seminar Manebu

Through seminars, events, radio and other media, Seminar Manebu provides interested adults, irrespective of generation, with unbiased knowledge and information regarding finance and the economy that is considered necessary for asset formation and asset management. This includes explanations about stocks, ETFs, REITs, derivatives and other financial products. We also plan programs that combine investment with a variety of other genres so as to convey the appeal of investing to people who have hitherto been uninterested in the economy and investments.

Workplace Manebu

To provide employees of listed companies and other organizations with opportunities to learn more about securities markets and asset formation as part of in-house training and study sessions, we provide a "Workplace Manebu“ service whereby JPX Group staff well-versed in financial and capital markets can be deployed to give fair and impartial lectures.

The lectures cover mainly familiar asset formation themes such as life planning, defined contribution pension plans, and NISA schemes, while being flexibly tailored to the needs of the audience. These sessions are intended to provide a catalyst for attendees to build assets in a way best suited to their needs by enhancing their financial literacy and increasing their interest in asset management.

TSE Manebu

TSE Manebu is a website where we publish information daily to promote asset formation by retail investors. The purpose of this website is to help as many people as possible on their way to growing their assets by providing information about the importance of asset formation through long-term, diversified investment, including everyday money-related topics that will be easy to grasp even for those who have no investment experience.

The website provides a wide range of articles that can be easily understood by all, including explanatory videos, infographics that explain things in an easy-to-understand visual form, and content about post-retirement finance in preparation for a 100-year life. The site also provides search functions for ETFs, instructions on how to use ETFs, and many other items of ETF-related information.

For Children and Students

School Manebu

JPX Group has been putting effort into financial and economic education for students for some time, but with the introduction of asset formation as a subject in high-school home economics lessons in April 2022 following revisions to the official guidelines for school teaching, we expect basic knowledge of finance and the economy among students to be further enhanced. With more attention being paid to financial and economic education for students, the Group has not only provided educational programs targeting students but also offered seminars to teachers, with the aim of raising the standard of financial literacy for Japanese society as a whole.

Outreach to Schools (Elementary through High School)

Although our daily lives are closely related to the economy and stock companies, there are far fewer opportunities to learn about these topics in school in Japan than overseas. To address this situation, JPX Group sends staff to schools to speak during home economics, politics & economics, or civics classes. They give lectures on how stock companies work and mix in some role-play and skits to help students familiarize themselves with financial and economic concepts.

Economics Lectures for Parents and Children (Elementary and Junior High School Students)

JPX Group holds many events, mostly during summer vacation, for students from elementary and high school to junior high school and their parent/guardians, to familiarize them with financial and economic concepts while touring the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Osaka Exchange facilities.

JPX Entrepreneur Experience Program (Junior High and High Schools)

This is an educational program that aims to develop students' life skills, such as the ability to learn and think on their own, by giving them the experience of setting up and running a business from zero as an "entrepreneur." These are carried out in cooperation with schools and local communities as part of JPX Group's activities to support enhanced financial literacy.

Economics Lectures for School Teachers

JPX Group provides seminars for junior high and high school teachers mainly during summer vacation, aiming at equipping teachers with economic knowledge and concepts that will aid them in their teaching. The Group also sends staff to speak at training and study sessions for teachers.

Outreach to schools

Outreach to schools

Lectures for university students

Lectures for university students

Campus Manebu

Due to the reduction in the age of majority in April 2022, it has become possible to open a securities account at the age of 18 without obtaining parental permission. While this is an opportunity for university students to become familiar with investing and asset formation, it also becomes more important that they acquire accurate information about investing and become financially literate. JPX Group is also putting effort into financial and economic education for university students.

Lectures for University Students

Based on the requests of universities nationwide, JPX Group holds courses intended to substantially deepen the understanding of finance, economics, securities markets and derivatives markets among those university students who will soon be shouldering responsibility for the Japanese economy. We also introduce the facilities at TSE (TSE Arrows) and OSE via online lectures so that students can learn while feeling a connection with the exchange.

To help nurture the next generation of leaders, the Group holds sponsored courses and joint courses at a number of universities. The courses cover the latest developments in law, economics, management and accounting related to the securities market, along with the roles expected of listed companies.

Other Cooperative Initiatives

Project for Disseminating Knowledge about Securities (Joint Project among Organizations Involved in the Securities Industry)

The goal of the Project for Disseminating Knowledge about Securities, which was set up as a joint effort by organizations involved in the securities industry*, is to disseminate information and educate people about securities consistently, over the long term, and from a fair and unbiased perspective. Activities are wide-ranging and include providing schools with educational materials for financial and economic education and holding lectures and seminars for adults.

  • Participating organizations: Japan Securities Dealers Association, Nagoya Stock Exchange, Sapporo Stock Exchange, Fukuoka Stock Exchange, The Investment Trusts Association, Japan Exchange Group, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Osaka Exchange

Highlighting Company Activity (with Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry)

Together with the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), TSE selects and announces listed companies from among each sector that are engaged in superior efforts in regard to specific themes. This initiative serves as a means of generating interest among retail investors and providing them with an opportunity to consider stock investments.

Visits to JPX Facilities

To give everyone a better first-hand understanding of exchanges, JPX Group opens its facilities at the Tokyo Stock Exchange and the Osaka Exchange to a wide variety of visitors, from elementary schools to universities and the general public. Along with tours of the facilities, we also provide lectures on finance and economics tailored to the needs of our many visitors.

Visiting TSE

Visiting OSE