JPX ESG Knowledge Hub

In November 2020, JPX launched the JPX ESG Knowledge Hub, a platform where listed companies and other interested parties can access a variety of ESG investment and sustainable finance-related information in one place. Companies can find in-depth, hands-on and up-to-date information and guidance on ESG disclosure provided by a variety of related parties including institutional investors, regulators, the Japanese government, and other listed companies. All contents are freely available to view on the JPX website.

JPX ESG Knowledge Hub (Japanese)

One of the ESG Knowledge Hub’s main objectives is to provide information in the Japanese language that would otherwise only be available in English. Much of the other information is only relevant to Japanese companies. For these reasons, the platform is only available in Japanese, but for reference purposes, below is an overview of its contents.

Domestic and International News

This section provides links to recent domestic and international news from the ESG disclosure space. This includes, among other things, newly published guidance and reports, updates to and developments regarding domestic and overseas disclosure frameworks, and movements on Japanese government policy.

Domestic and International News

JPX Sustainability Information Search Tool (Beta Version)

This tool enables companies (usage is restricted to TSE listed companies) to view, on a single screen, links to information included in publications by Prime Market-listed companies (annual securities reports, integrated reports, websites, etc.) relating to a choice of 38 environmental, social, and governance topics. It is intended to make it easier for listed companies to gather relevant information in the process of deciding the content and other aspects of their own sustainability disclosure.

JPX Sustainability Information Search Tool (Beta Version)

“Practical Seminars for ESG Disclosure”

This is a series of online seminars where expert speakers from around the industry take a deeper look into the issues set out in the Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure. Below is the list of currently available seminars.

List of Practical Seminars for ESG Disclosure (as of December 2024) icon-pdf
Practical Seminars for ESG Disclosure

Information on ESG Disclosure and ESG Investment

Introductions to the Main ESG Disclosure Frameworks

This section currently includes introductions to the Sustainability Standards Board of Japan (SSBJ) standards, the IFRS Foundation’s sustainability disclosure standards, the SASB Standards and the International Integrated Reporting Framework (both part of IFRS), the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), and the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards. Each provides an overview of the background behind the framework, its main structure and contents, how and in what context it can be used, and additional related information or guidance.

Introductions to the Main ESG Disclosure Frameworks

Information from Institutional Investors

This section is a space for institutional investors to communicate directly to listed companies on their ESG investment practices and how they use ESG information. Most pages include information about the investor’s stewardship policy, ESG investment policy, voting record, and engagement. Investors currently providing information include large domestic asset managers such as Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation and Resona Asset Management Co., Ltd., international asset managers such as BlackRock Japan Co., Ltd. and Invesco Ltd., and asset owners such as the Government Pension Investment Fund (GPIF).

Information from Institutional Investors

Introductions to ESG Ratings Agencies and Data Providers, and ESG Finance Ratings Providers

In order to help listed companies better understand who is using their ESG data and how, this section provides introductions to companies which collect and disseminate ESG data, provide ESG ratings, and/or provide ratings services for ESG finance instruments such as green bonds. Information includes data collection methods, ratings methodologies, how companies can access or review their data, and contact information for questions.

Introductions to ESG Ratings Agencies and Data Providers, and ESG Finance Ratings Providers

Other Related Seminars

Other ESG-themed seminars supported by JPX are introduced on this page. These include seminars held jointly with ratings agencies, disclosure framework creators, international NPOs, and government agencies. Themes range from ESG disclosure in general to specific themes such as TCFD and human rights, as well as issuance and investment in ESG bonds.

Other Related Seminars

Members and Supporters

Listed companies can sign up as “ESG Knowledge Hub Members,” which enables them to receive timely updates on new content and events, among other things, while investors and other related parties who provide information to the Hub, or who support ESG disclosure in other ways, are encouraged to become “ESG Knowledge Hub Supporters.“

Member Registration
ESG Knowledge Hub Supporters