Support for listed companies
Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure
JPX provides a Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure, which brings together issues that listed companies face when starting ESG activities and disclosure. Please see the below page for more details.
JPX ESG Knowledge Hub
JPX also provides the JPX ESG Knowledge Hub, a platform where listed companies and other interested parties can access a variety of ESG investment and sustainable finance-related information in one place. Please see the below page for details.
JPX-QUICK Anthology of ESG Issues
On March 31, 2022, Japan Exchange Group (JPX) and QUICK published an anthology of ESG issues (in Japanese only) which aims to support information disclosure among Japanese listed companies.
The anthology lists a total of 31 issues over 10 topics covering all three elements of ESG, along with commentary on what kind of risks and business opportunities could arise, the possible impact on corporate value, metrics that could be used for risk evaluations and management, and other aspects relating to each issue. It aims to provide insights on the issues facing Japanese companies in particular.
This document is intended to complement the Practical Handbook for ESG Disclosure. JPX and QUICK hope it can be useful to companies working to understand, address, and disclose on ESG issues.
Commentary provided on each issue
The anthology provides commentary for each issue on each of the below four themes.
- Explanation of the main challenges facing companies, the issue's significance, and further information
- The situation and context for Japanese companies in particular
- Potential impacts on corporate value creation (risks and opportunities relating to business model, strategy, and financial results)
- Examples of metrics that can be used to evaluate and manage risks and opportunities
Topics covered in the anthology
Environment |
Social |
Governance |
Climate change |
Respecting human rights |
Corporate governance |
Preventing pollution |
Hiring and working practices |
ESG risk management |
Sustainable resource use |
Preventing corruption |
Water |
Biodiversity |
JPX-QUICK Anthology of ESG Issues (Japanese only)
Surveys of TCFD Disclosure in Japan
Japan’s Corporate Governance Code, which was revised in 2021, asks listed companies (on a comply-or-explain basis) to address sustainability issues, including climate change and other global environmental issues, positively and proactively. Alongside this, it states that companies listed on the Prime Market in particular should collect and analyze the necessary data on the impact of climate change-related risks and earning opportunities on their business activities and profits, and enhance the quality and quantity of disclosure based on the TCFD Recommendations or an equivalent framework. TCFD is also mentioned as an internationally recognized disclosure framework in the Principles Regarding the Disclosure of Narrative Information (Attachment), which was published in tandem with the January 31, 2023 amendments to the Cabinet Office Ordinance on Disclosure of Corporate Affairs, etc. and other rules.
Since November 2021, JPX has published three surveys of TCFD disclosure among Japanese listed companies. The aim is that these surveys can be referred to by Japanese companies working on their own climate disclosure, as well as support efforts to enhance the quality and quantity of disclosure in general.
- Survey using generative AI published March 2024, covering 2,198 domestic companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange which submitted Annual Securities Reports between April 1 and October 31, 2023
(Please note that since the method and subjects differ from the previous two years' surveys, the data is not directly comparable, and is not suitable for time series analysis.)
Survey of TCFD Disclosure Using Generative AI |
- Survey published January 2023, covering all constituent companies of the JPX-Nikkei Index 400
Survey of TCFD Disclosure in Japan (FY2022) |
- Survey published November 2021, covering 259 Japanese listed companies which had declared support for TCFD and were listed as a TCFD Supporter on TCFD's official website as of the end of March 2021
Survey of TCFD Disclosure in Japan |
We hope that these surveys can be of help to listed companies preparing their climate-related disclosure.