Average Settlement Prices (Crude Oil/Petroleum Products)

Monthly averages of settlement prices for Platts Dubai crude oil and petroleum products are shown for the two months before the update date.

Monthly averages of settlement prices icon-csv


  • These reference prices are monthly averages of settlement prices from the first contract months of Platts Dubai crude oil and petroleum products in the Energy Market and Chukyo-oil Market (rounded to the nearest JPY 10) and are calculated to be used as a reference for energy companies and others.
  • The average prices are based on prices from the first business day of the month to the last business day of the month for Platts Dubai crude oil, and from the business day following the last trading day of the previous month to the last trading day of the current month for petroleum products.
  • The crack spread using the average price of Platts Dubai crude oil and petroleum products is calculated using the first contract month of each product.
  • Updates are usually made around 3:30 p.m. on the first business day of each month.