Daily Publication, etc., Concerning Margin Trading

Issues are subject to daily publication of outstanding margin transactions to alert investors on the use of margin trading. They do not implement regulatory measures on margin trading.

Issues Subject to Daily Publication

Issue Name Code Designation Date
Chordia Therapeutics Inc. 190A Jul. 26, 2024
AIAI Group Corporation 6557 Jul. 25, 2024
PIXTA Inc. 3416 Jul. 24, 2024
Daiwa Heavy Industry Co.,Ltd. 5610 Jul. 24, 2024
SIG Group Co.,Ltd. 4386 Jul. 23, 2024
SymBio Pharmaceuticals Limited 4582 Jul. 22, 2024
*LIBERTA CO.,LTD. 4935 Jul. 19, 2024
Kringle Pharma,Inc. 4884 Jul. 18, 2024
Asgent,Inc. 4288 Jul. 10, 2024
DAIDOH LIMITED 3205 Jul. 09, 2024
Daikokuya Holdings Co.,Ltd. 6993 Jul. 04, 2024
THine Electronics,Inc. 6769 Jul. 03, 2024
GMO AD Partners Inc. 4784 Jul. 01, 2024
*CellSeed Inc. 7776 Jul. 01, 2024
ELEMENTS,Inc. 5246 Jun. 27, 2024
SE Holdings and Incubations Co.,Ltd. 9478 Jun. 27, 2024
PostPrime Inc. 198A Jun. 25, 2024
NPC Incorporated 6255 Jun. 13, 2024
TRaaS On Product Inc. 6696 May 27, 2024
HS Holdings Co.,Ltd. 8699 Apr. 17, 2024
Fuva Brain Limited 3927 Apr. 12, 2024
Agile Media Network Inc. 6573 Apr. 10, 2024
TECHNOLOGIES,Inc. 5248 Apr. 05, 2024
e-LogiT co.,ltd. 9327 Mar. 25, 2024
MEDIA LINKS CO.,LTD. 6659 Mar. 01, 2024
MITSUI E&S Co.,Ltd. 7003 Feb. 27, 2024
SDS HOLDINGS Co.,Ltd. 1711 Feb. 02, 2024
RHYTHM CO.,LTD. 7769 Jan. 24, 2024
ONEX Corporation 5987 Nov. 06, 2023
*Perseus Proteomics Inc. 4882 Sep. 20, 2023
NIPPON TELEPHONE INC. 9425 Jul. 31, 2023
CAVE Interactive CO.,LTD. 3760 Jul. 13, 2023
BCC Co.,Ltd. 7376 Jun. 02, 2023
YCP Holdings (Global) Limited 9257 Mar. 17, 2023
C'sMEN Co.,Ltd. 3083 Feb. 07, 2023
GLOME Holdings,Inc. 8938 Jan. 17, 2023
ImageONE Co.,Ltd. 2667 May 31, 2021
ALMEDIO INC. 7859 Mar. 27, 2019

  • ・In addition to designating issues for daily publication, issues subject to margin trading restrictions are marked by "*" and issues subject to special notification with “**".

Please click here for information on how margin trading works, guidelines regarding the designation of "Issues Subject to Daily Publication," and the balance of margin transactions related to "Issues Subject to Daily Publication."

Margin Trading - Overview
Trading Account Agreement - Guidelines Concerning Designation of Issues Subject to Daily Publication, etc.
Outstanding Margin Trading by issue

Issues for which designation was removed

Issues removed from the "Issues Subject to Daily Publication" designation remain posted for approximately one week after removal.

Issue Name Code Removal Date
SanBio Company Limited 4592 Jul. 26, 2024
Media Kobo,Inc. 3815 Jul. 25, 2024
EYEZ,INC. 5242 Jul. 25, 2024