Today's Trading Overview

Derivatives Trading Overview Update Time File
Night Session (Oct. 16, 2024) 9:00 icon-xls
Day Session - Morning (Oct. 16, 2024) 12:00 icon-xls
Day Session - Afternoon (Oct. 15, 2024) 17:00 icon-xls
Derivatives Open Interest Update Time File
Derivatives Open Interest (Oct. 15, 2024) 20:00 icon-xls
Securities Options Update Time File
Securities Options Trading Data per each Underlying (Oct. 15, 2024) 17:00 icon-csv
Securities Options Quotations (Oct. 15, 2024) 17:00 icon-csv
  • ・Please refer to "Reference Data for Flexible Futures and Options" for flexible Options data (trading data,Volatility, etc.).
Reference Data for Flexible Futures and Options
  • ・Data in the "Day Session - Morning" file is aggregated as the following time slot.
    <JGB Futures , Interest Rate Futures and JGB Options>
     Auction Market : by AM 11:02 (JST)
     J-NET Market  : by AM 11:07 (JST)
    <Other Products>
     by AM 11:00 (JST)
    ・Please refer to the "Day Session - Afternoon" file for whole day data.
  • ・Trading volume and other trade statistics will be published on the following business day after aggregated with data of the night session of the business day preceding the holiday trading day. We will not publish trade statistics separately just for the holiday trading day.
    Please refer here for details.
  • ・Please note that the information on contracts, settlement price and final settlement price for RN Prime index futures trading posted after December 8, 2023 will be dummy data along with the cessation of this product.

Due to the change of the trading hours of the market from November 5, 2024, the time of the publication of each materials on JPX-Website will be changed(Target file: "Derivatives Trading Overview - Day Session - Afternoon","Securities Options Trading Data per each Underlying","Securities Options Quotations").
For more information, please refer to the following website.
Strengthening the Functions of the Cash Equity Market(Changes in Publication Time of JPX Website)