Indices Line-up

Indices Line-up

Name Summary Calculation Method Component Issues Real Time Chart Historical Chart Related ETFs/Derivatives
TOPIX Series
TOPIX icon-pdf icon-pdf Link icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
└Size-based TOPIX Sub-Indices (Large-size, Medium-size, Small-size)/ TOPIX New Index Series (TOPIX Core30, TOPIX Large70 etc.) icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-pdf Real Time Values Real Time Values ETFs
Derivatives (Core30)
└TOPIX Sector Indices / TOPIX-17 Series icon-pdf icon-pdf Selected from TOPIX Real Time Values Real Time Values ETFs
└TOPIX Style Index Series (TOPIX Value, TOPIX Growth etc.) icon-pdf icon-pdf Selected from TOPIX Real Time Values Real Time Values -
└Currency Hedged Index icon-pdf icon-pdf the same as TOPIX - Index Value -
└Leveraged and Inverse Index icon-pdf icon-pdf the same as TOPIX Real Time Values Real Time Values ETFs
TOPIX Ex-Financials icon-pdf icon-pdf - icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
TOPIX High Dividend Yield 40 Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls - icon-graph ETFs
Market Capitalization Weighted TOPIX (Ex-TOPIX) icon-pdf icon-pdf the same as TOPIX icon-graph icon-graph -
Co-brand Index (JPX-Nikkei)
JPX-Nikkei Index 400 External Link icon-pdf Link icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Currency Hedged Index Link icon-pdf the same as JPX-Nikkei Index 400 - Index Value -
Leveraged and Inverse Index Link icon-pdf the same as JPX-Nikkei Index 400 Real Time Values Real Time Values ETFs
JPX-Nikkei Mid and Small Cap Index External Link icon-pdf Link icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all domestic stocks listed on TSE Prime Market icon-graph icon-graph -
Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all domestic stocks listed on TSE Standard Market icon-graph icon-graph -
Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all domestic stocks listed on TSE Growth Market icon-graph icon-graph -
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all domestic issues listed on TSE REIT market icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
└Currency Hedged Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all domestic issues listed on TSE REIT market - - ETNs
└Leveraged and Inverse Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all domestic issues listed on TSE REIT market Real Time Values Real Time Values ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange Infrastructure Funds Index icon-pdf icon-pdf all infrastructure funds listed on TSE icon-graph icon-graph -
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market Composite Index icon-pdf icon-pdf Constituents of Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market index and foreign stocks listed only on TSE Prime Market and domestic preferred equity contribution securities - icon-graph -
Selected Issues Type
JPX Prime 150 Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividend Focus 100 Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market TOP20 Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Core Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls icon-graph icon-graph ETFs
Kyodai-Kawakita/JPX Japan Index External Link (only available in Japanese) - icon-graph -
Selected Issues Type(REIT)
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Property Sector Index Series icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls Real Time Values Real Time Values -
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Core Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls - icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Logistics Focus Index icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-xls - icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Office Focus Index icon-pdf - icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Residential Focus Index icon-pdf - icon-graph ETFs
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Hotel & Retail Focus Index icon-pdf - icon-graph ETFs
High-Speed Index icon-pdf icon-pdf TOPIX
TOPIX Core30
- - -
Ex-Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section Index icon-pdf icon-pdf TOPIX constituents as of April 1, 2022 - icon-graph -
Co-brand Index (S&P/JPX Index)
S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index External Link Selected from TOPIX - - ETFs
JPX/S&P CAPEX&HUMAN CAPITAL INDEX External Link Selected from TOPIX - - ETFs
S&P/JPX Risk Control Index External Link the same as TOPIX - - -
S&P/JPX Dividend Aristocrats Index External Link Selected 40-50 stocks from TOPIX - - ETFs
S&P/JPX 500 ESG Score Tilted Index Series External Link Selected from TOPIX 500 - - Derivatives
Co-brand Index (S&P/TOPIX150)
S&P/TOPIX150 External Link - - -
S&P/TOPIX 150 Shariah Index External Link - - -
S&P/TOPIX 150 Fossil Fuel Free Index External Link - - -
Co-brand Index (FTSE)
FTSE JPX Net Zero Japan 500 Index External Link Selected from TOPIX 500 - - Derivatives
FTSE JPX Net Zero Japan 200 Index External Link Selected from TOPIX 500 - - -

Related Information

Free Float Weight Calculation Methodology icon-pdf
Index Calculation Guidebook icon-pdf

Index List・Index Performance

Index List・Index Performance icon-pdf

Other Information

Disclosure of ESG factors in the Methodology as required by EU Benchmark Regulation icon-pdf

Links to Relevant Websites

An Investor's Guide to Indices (S&P Dow Jones Indices)icon-block
Compliance with IOSCO Principles for Financial Benchmarks