Current Inspections and Inspection Results

Recent Inspections

The following chart lists the number of companies that were sent inspection results in FY2023.

Type of Inspection Description Number of Companies
General Inspection Inspections that are carried out in the order of their priority, taking into consideration the results of previous inspections, the results of regulatory inspections, and the time since the previous inspection. 21
(Number of joint inspections)
Inspections carried out together with the Japan Securities Dealers Association (JSDA).
(Number of joint inspections)
Inspections carried out in collaboration with other exchanges.
Follow-Up Inspection A subsequent inspection held to confirm the status of improvement. The inspection, if necessary, is conducted within about a year after a trading participant is requested to submit an improvement report regarding any deficiencies found by the general inspection. 0
Special Inspection An inspection focusing on specific matters relevant to the trading participant. 1

Deficiencies Found

If, in the course of an inspection of a trading participant, JPX-R finds that the participant has violated any laws, regulations, or rules, it will take disciplinary action, issue a warning, or make a recommendation or request to the participant.

The following deficiencies were found in FY2023.

Deficiency Number of Cases Number of Disciplinary Actions, Warnings,
Recommendations, or Requests
Inadequate management of system risks 13 4
Inadequate management to prevent unfair trades 7 4
Inadequate controls to prevent erroneous order placement 4 2
Inadequate management of corporate information 3 1
Deficiencies related to contract correction 2 0
Deficiencies related to internal inspections and audits 1 1
Deficiencies related to regulatory measures regarding trading, etc. 1 1
Deficiencies related to bookkeeping and document handling 1 1
Deficiencies related to dark pool trading 1 1
Deficiencies in information reported to the exchange or regulator 1 1
Inadequate supervision of short selling transactions 1 0
Deficiencies related to net settlement 1 0
Other 1 1
Total 37 17

Responses to Inquiries

The Trading Participants Examination & Inspection Department answers questions from trading participants and relevant stakeholders regarding laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to securities trading. The following inquiries were received in FY2023.

Topic Number
Short selling 14
Margin trading 9
Contract correction 9
Net settlement 7
Order management 7
Unfair trades 4
Derivatives trading 4
Report submission 4
System management 2
Statutory documents 2
Best execution obligation 1
Other 8
Total 71

Other Activities

Publication of the 2024 Inspection Plan

On March 25, JPX-R released an Inspection Plan that outlines its policies and focuses for inspections in 2024.
In FY2024, its basic policies are: "Conducting inspections with expertise as an organization of the exchange group,"
"Monitoring trading participant's business operations and financial situation," "Strengthening inspection based on a risk-based approach," and "Strengthening internal management systems of trading participants." Under these policies, JPX-R will carry out inspections with the following focus areas: 1. Trading supervision systems to prevent unfair trading, 2. System risk management systems, 3. Management systems pertaining to Low Latency Trading, etc., 4. Other matters to be observed during inspections, etc. taking into account the circumstances surrounding trading participants in recent years.

For more information, please refer to the following.

Inspection Plan

Revision of "Check Points related to Trading Participant Internal Management Systems"

Taking into consideration matters such as revisions to laws and regulations, JPX-R has revised "Check Points related to Trading Participant Internal Management Systems," which summarizes key points regarding internal management systems at trading participants in relation to the main focuses of inspections.
For more information, please refer to the following.

Check Points related to Trading Participant Internal Management Systems

Information Exchange Meetings

We regularly exchange opinions with the inspection and supervision departments of the Financial Services Agency, the Securities and Exchange Surveillance Commission, the Kanto Local Finance Bureau, and the Japan Securities Dealers Association on the results of the previous year's inspections and this year's inspection plan.