Improvement Period

Improvement Period

When a listed company does not meet the Continued Listing Criteria within one year (six months for trading volume criteria of the Continued Listing Criteria) after failing to meet the Continued Listing Criteria, the listed company will be delisted after being designated as Securities Under Supervision and as Securities to be Delisted (total of six month in principle).
However, the period until delisting for the companies to which transitional measures are applied differs from above.

List of Companies in an Improvement Period (July 16, 2024) icon-xls
List of Companies in an Improvement Period (June 14, 2024) icon-xls

This document contains a list of companies in an Improvement Period.(Updated around the 15th of each month)

Transitional Measures

Listed companies that meet the conditions mentioned on the "Transitional Measures" page* will be subject to the transitional measures related to the Continued Listing Criteria applied before March 1, 2025.
Companies under transitional measures will be applied regular continued listing criteria from record dates of decisions on the Continued Listing Criteria that fall on or after March 1, 2025 and if they do not meet the regular Continued Listing Criteria within one year after failing to meet the Continued Listing Criteria, the listed company will become subject to delisting.
However, as of the day before March 31, 2023, if a company has disclosed a plan to meet the Continued Listing Criteria (“Conformance Plan”) with an end date that goes beyond the first record date that falls on or after March 1, 2026, the company’s securities shall be designated as Securities Under Supervision after the end of the improvement period and said designation shall continue until the company is confirmed to meet or not meet the criteria at the end of its plan.

  • For more details, please see the page below
Transitional Measures
List of the End Dates of Conformance Plan (July 16, 2024) icon-xls
List of the End Dates of Conformance Plan (June 14, 2024) icon-xls

This document contains a list of end dates disclosed in each company's conformance plan.(Updated around the 15th of each month)