Establishment of Listing System for Class Shares with Voting Rights

In July 2007, based on the interim report (released Mar. 27, 2007) by the Listing System Development Advisory Panel and the implementation plan of the Comprehensive Improvement Program for the Listing System 2007, Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) established a Working-Level Panel consisting of practitioners from listed companies, securities firms, lawyers, etc., and academics for the purpose of formulating basic ideas on what requirements must be met for Voting Class Shares to be considered as “respecting shareholders‘ rights.” Please refer to the "Report on the Listing System for Class Shares with Voting Rights" and "Public Announcement (including Summary of Report)".

Report on the Listing System for Class Shares with Voting Rights (released Jan. 16, 2008)

Report on the Listing System for Class Shares with Voting Rights (in Japanese only) icon-pdf
Public Announcement (including Summary of Report) (in Japanese only) icon-pdf