Reference Data

JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.(JPXI) provides various kinds of reference data such as index data, O/H/L/C Price and data for trading participants.

Service Lineup

Service Outline
Index Data Service Index level data and constituents level data of JPXI indices.
O/H/L/C Price (Cash Equities) Opening/high/low/closing price on the data provision date for cash equities listed on the TSE market.
Master File The master data (companies' name and basic information, data item from articles of incorporation and market related data item, etc.) for each domestic companies listed on all stock exchanges in Japan.
Open Interest of Margin Transactions (as of subscription date) Open interest (long & short positions) of margin transactions for each week as of the subscription date for each equity listed on the TSE market, and the aggregate data.
O/H/L/C Price(Carbon Credit) & ToSTNeT Super-Block Execution O/H/L/C Price(Carbon Credit):
Opening, high, low and closing prices, base prices, and trading volume on the data provision date for each trading category in carbon credit market operated by TSE.

ToSTNeT Super-Block Execution:
Information on trades with a trading value of JPY 5 billion or higher in single-issue trading (ToSTNeT-1) (excluding trading for which both sale and purchase are entrusted by customers).
Data for Trading Participants Executed transaction file, Give-Up/Take-Up details information and Trading Analysis Data.
J-Quants API *For individuals J-Quants API allows individual clients to obtain financial data, such as stock prices(OHLC) and financial information, via API along with a wealth of historical data.
J-Quants Pro *For enterprise J-Quants Pro is a service for enterprise clients which delivers financial data related to the JPX markets in a machine-readable format either via API or SFTP.
J-Quants API websiteicon-block
J-Quants Pro websiteicon-block

Delivery Channel

Service Types Overview Related Documents
Website Service Downloading data in CSV format from Reference Information Website (Japanese/English). icon-pdf
Data Feed Service Pulling data from our information distribution system via internet FTP and SFTP. icon-pdf

Usage Fee

The fees for Reference Data and Corporate Action Data differ depending on the data usage scope (Single Entity Use, Affiliate Companies Use and Redistribution) and Service Types.
For redistribution of the data to third parties, on the top of basic fee, the volume charge may be applied.
Please see the below Fee Schedule for the detail.

*reflected the new index, "TOPIX Banks High Dividend Index"

Fee Schedule for Reference Data Services icon-pdf

Contract and Application

To start using this service, you need to conclude a contract with JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
Please inquire with using the banner "For a new application" about detailed contract procedures.
Please inquire with using the banner "For an inquiry" if you would need the detailed information for the service or you are interested in free trial.


Recommended Services by Business Type

The following is a list of the most frequently used services for each type of business.

Business Type Service
Securities Company Index Data Service, O/H/L/C Price (Cash Equities), Master File, Open Interest of Margin Transactions (as of subscription date), Data for Trading Participants
Asset Management Index Data Service, O/H/L/C Price (Cash Equities), Corporate Action Data Service
Information vendor Index Data Service, O/H/L/C Price (Cash Equities), Master File, Interest of Margin Transactions (as of subscription date), ToSTNeT Super-Block Execution
Custody Bank Corporate Action Data Service
Start-up O/H/L/C Price (Cash Equities)


JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc. Client Services