Reference Data

Outlines of Service

Index Data Service provide data on all indices calculated by JPXI including TOPIX and their constituent issues.
This service contains ”Change in Constituents' Level (Forecast) Data”, which provide the advanced information of addition to/deletion from the constituents of each index that would be helpful for index fund management, “Total Return Index” which provide index values including dividends for the performance evaluation of investment, and more.

Main User Types

Investment firm that manages the fund using indices calculated by JPXI as a benchmark (Trust Bank, Asset Management or Pension Fund), Broker-Dealer conducting portfolio trading, and Information Vendor

Data Overview

Data Name Overview
Price Return Index
(Close・Calculation Data)
Closing price, CMV, BMV, and No. of constituents for Price Return Index
Total Return Index
(Close・Calculation Data)
Closing price, CMV, BMV, and No. of constituents for Total Return Index
Change in Constituents’ Level Data Advanced notice information of addition to/deletion from the constituents of each index, changes in FFW(Free Float Weight) for respective constituents due to corporate action events (e.g. issuance of new shares, stock splits, etc.)
Index Constituents Master Number of Shares of constituents necessary for the index calculation as well as the list for constituents for the index

Delivery Channel and Data Specification

The indices and data specifications included in the Website Service and the Data Feed Service differ. Please refer to the file specification for details.

Service Types Overview Web User Guide / Connection Specifications File Specifications Sample Files
Website Service Downloading data in CSV format from Reference Information Website (Japanese/English).
icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-zip
Data Feed Service Pulling data from our information distribution system via internet FTP and SFTP. icon-pdf icon-pdf icon-zip
  • Please note that the data in the sample files is dummy data which does not necessarily coincide with the actual information.

Fee Schedule

Please see "Fee Schedule for Reference Data Services" in the page "Outline" for the detail.
The following fees are monthly fee and excluding tax.

Fee Schedule for Reference Data Services

Data Feed Service and Data Service via Information Vendors(*) for TOPIX etc.

Product Single Entity Use Affiliate Companies Use Redistribution
Price Return Index
(Result & Calculation Data)
50,000JPY 100,000JPY 110,000JPY
Total Return Index
(Result & Calculation Data)
70,000JPY 140,000JPY 170,000JPY
Change In Constituents Level (Forecast) 70,000JPY 140,000JPY 175,000JPY
+Volume Charge
Index Constituents Master
150,000JPY 300,000JPY 375,000JPY
+Volume Charge
  • In case where the user receives the data from the information vendor, redistribution of the data is not allowed.

Web Service

Web Service have the data in above table except part of indices with the following fee table.

Language User's Business Attribution Single Entity Use Affiliate Companies Use Redistribution
Japanese Financial Institutions and Information Vendors 120,000JPY 240,000JPY 450,000JPY
+Volume Charge
Others 100,000JPY 200,000JPY
English Financial Institutions and Information Vendors 150,000JPY 300,000JPY 540,000JPY
+Volume Charge
その他 130,000JPY 260,000JPY

Volume Charge

For the redistribution of “Index Constituents Master” or “Change In Constituents Level (Forecast)”, the volume charge fees will be applied based on the number of end users, etc. which received redistributed information from the user and shall be reported from the user.
Please see "Fee Schedule for Reference Data Services" in the page "Outline" for the detail.

Contract and Application

To start using this service, you need to conclude a contract with JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
Please inquire with using the banner "For a new application" about detailed contract procedures.
Please inquire with using the banner "For an inquiry" if you would need the detailed information for the service or you are interested in free trial.

FAQ for the spec change of TOPIX information associated with Revisions Indices

With the specification change of TOPIX information on April 2022 associated with Revisions Indices and Market Restructuring, please check the below related FAQ.

FAQ for the specification change of TOPIX information associated with Revisions Indices
(Updated on March 10, 2022)

Please see the below as well for the detail of the revisions indices including TOPIX.


Products Frequently Purchased Together

Corporate Action Data Service

Corporate Action Data Service provides corporate action information of all listed companies in Japan.

Open Interest of Margin Transactions

The open interest (long & short positions) of margin transactions as of the last business day of the last week is provided on the second business day of each week for individual equities listed on the TSE market, and the aggregate data.

Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service

Detail Breakdown Trading Data Service disseminates fragmented data extracted from daily trading value and volumes (only regular trading sessions on the TSE market) of TSE-listed issues based on flags for margin transactions and short selling that are attached to orders at the time of placement.