JPX English Disclosure GATE

JPX English Disclosure GATE

JPX launched "JPX English Disclosure GATE" with the aim of improving the accessibility of corporate information to overseas investors and further facilitating disclosure and provision of corporate information in English by listed companies. Through this service, JPX provides information considered useful for overseas investors and listed companies respectively.

Company Announcements Service For Overseas Investors For the latest English disclosure materials
Listed Company Search For Overseas Investors For listed companies' basic data and disclosed materials, etc.
Corporate Governance Information Search For Overseas Investors Service which provides corporate governance information with a search function
Availability of English Disclosure Information by Listed Companies For Overseas Investors For information on which listed companies are conducting English disclosure
TSE IR MOVIE SQUARE For Overseas Investors For investor-oriented videos such as company introductions and messages from corporate representatives, etc.
JPX Client Portal (beta version) For Overseas Investors You can search for various data services and disclosure materials of listed companies.
Guide to English Materials Distribution Service For Listed Companies Usage guide for the English Materials Distribution Service for Listed Companies
English Sample Disclosure Forms For Listed Companies For sample disclosure forms in English.
List of Terms in Japanese and English For Listed Companies For links to a list of terms in Japanese and English and related websites
Practical Handbook for English Disclosure For Listed Companies We provide a handbook that summarizes advice and points to note about disclosing information in English.
Interviews with Listed Companies Regarding English Disclosure For Listed Companies You can read interviews with listed companies about their efforts regarding English disclosure.
Companies Supporting Overseas IR/Translation For Listed Companies Information on companies supporting overseas IR and translation
Survey Reports For Listed Companies For Overseas Investors We provide survey reports about English disclosure.
Guidebook for the Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information For Listed Companies For Overseas Investors To view the Guidebook for the Timely Disclosure of Corporate Information in English.
Investor Transcript Service For Listed Companies For Overseas Investors Service which provides transcripts of corporate events such as financial results briefings. Listed company-oriented guidance is also available.


Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department
TEL:+81-3-3666-0141 (Operator)