Practical Handbook for English Disclosure

In order to reduce risks and administrative burdens for listed companies when they disclose information in English, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE) has published the Practical Handbook for English Disclosure, a reference guide that summarizes advice and points to note about disclosing information in English. Listed companies are encouraged to refer to this guide when starting or expanding their English disclosure practices.

Practical Handbook for English Disclosure (Japanese)    Download

For Effective Use of this Handbook

  • Activities for overseas investors should not stop at translating documents into English. They should be seen as a starting point, and engaging in constructive dialogue with overseas investors and attracting their investment should also be included. Although this handbook focuses on the preparation of documents in English, IR activities for overseas investors can be more effective by gathering information and knowledge, including advice and points of attention for smooth communication with overseas investors.
  • While each listed company has its own shareholder composition, capital policies, and systems and resources needed to implement its English disclosure practices, it is important for management to understand the purpose of these practices and to develop systems and secure resources before starting and expanding them.