Availability of English Disclosure Information by Listed Companies

With the aim of further encouraging disclosure and provision of corporate information in English and improving convenience for overseas investors, TSE has provided a list of "Availability of English Disclosure Information by Listed Companies" based on responses received from listed companies in a survey on whether they disclose information in English, including financial results, corporate actions, and notices of general meetings of shareholders.

Availability of English Disclosure Information by Listed Companies as of June 30, 2024 icon-xls

A report containing data compiled on the status of English disclosure practices is available via the following link:

Survey Reports

Information provided

The list provides information on each listed company in relation to the materials listed below, namely i) the availability of information disclosed in English, ii) English disclosure timing, iii) the disclosure platform, and iv) links to the English IR websites.

  • Earnings Reports (Kessan Tanshin)
  • Corporate Information (Material Fact)
  • Notices of Annual General Shareholders Meetings
  • Corporate Governance Reports
  • Annual Securities Reports
  • IR Presentations
  • Other Documents Disclosed on IR Websites (English)

List Updates

The list will be updated on or around the 15th day of each month based on the responses received from listed companies by the end of the previous month.

Reference: Disclosure in XBRL

Listed companies are required by laws and regulations to disclose statutory disclosure documents such as securities reports in XBRL format. TSE requests listed companies to provide XBRL data for consolidated financial statements and the like which are included in their "Earnings report (summary information)"/"Quarterly earnings report (summary information)" and "Earnings report (attached materials)"/"Quarterly earnings report (attached materials)" disclosed through TDnet. This XBRL data includes English labels, which enables information such as financial statements to be displayed in English.
XBRL data on statutory disclosure documents can be downloaded from "EDINET", which is operated by the Financial Services Agency, while data on earnings reports and the like can be downloaded from the "Company Announcements Disclosure Service" and "Listed Company Search" service.

Company Announcements Disclosure Service(in Japanese only)icon-block
Listed Company Search

For an overview of XBRL, please see the following page.

Application of XBRL to Timely Disclosure Information

Reference: Browsing Service for English Financial Statements Using XBRL Data

Kaijinet/JapanExpress icon-block

This is a web service which provides financial information in English based on XBRL data disclosed through TDnet.

Interstage XWand Trial Version icon-block

This is a trial version of a desktop application which enables users to create, view, and compare various XBRL data compliant with XBRL specifications, including data filed on EDINET and TDnet.
Provider: Fujitsu Limited


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Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department
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