Specifications and Operational Procedures

This page contains specifications and other related materials regarding futures and options.
English translations are being prepared and will be posted when ready.

Osaka Exchange

Outline of Specifications for Index Futures (As of March 2024) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Index Options (As of November 2023) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Japanese Government Bond Futures (As of November 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Options on JGB Futures (As of November 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Interest Rate Futures (As of May 2023) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Securities Options (As of April 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Commodity Futures(As of April 2024) icon-pdf
Outline of Specifications for Options on Commodity Futures (As of September 2021) icon-pdf
Circuit Breaker Rule (As of March 2024) icon-pdf
Outline of Strategy Trading Rules (As of July 2024) icon-pdf
Outline of J-NET Trading Rules (As of March 2024) icon-pdf
Outline of Holiday Trading Rules (As of May 2023) icon-pdf
Outline of Give-Up Rules (As of March 2024) icon-pdf
Outline of Margin and Settlement Rules Pertaining to Futures and Options (As of November 2023) icon-pdf
Operational Procedures for Settlement by Delivery related to Commodity Futures Contracts (As of July 2024) icon-pdf
Operational Procedures Related to the Handling of Commodity Futures and Options Positions (As of July 2024) icon-pdf

Tokyo Commodity Exchange

Outline of Specifications for Commodity Futures(As of April 2022) icon-pdf
Temporary Trading Halts Due to the Triggering of the Static Circuit Breaker (As of April 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Standard Combination Order Rules (As of April 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Off-Auction Trading Rules (As of November 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Holiday Trading Rules (As of September 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Give-Up Rules (As of April 2022) icon-pdf
Outline of Margin and Settlement Rules Pertaining to Futures (As of November 2023) icon-pdf
Operational Procedures Related to the Handling of Commodity Futures Positions (As of July 2024) icon-pdf