Trading by Type of Investors


Date With proprietary
and brokerage classification
Jul 2024, Week3(7/16 - 7/19) icon-pdf icon-csv
Jul 2024, Week2(7/8 - 7/12) icon-pdf icon-csv
Jul 2024, Week1(7/1 - 7/5) icon-pdf icon-csv
Jun 2024, Week4(6/24 - 6/28) icon-pdf icon-csv
Jun 2024, Week3(6/17 - 6/21) icon-pdf icon-csv
If the release dates of the data is different from normal, the release dates will be posted here.
  • ・Updated at approximately 3:00 p.m. on the 4th business day of each week.
Revision Information (Apr. 6, 2023) icon-pdf
Open Interest by Type of Investors (Jan. 2023, Week1~ ) icon-zip
Open Interest by Type of Investors (Jul.2020, Week5~Dec.2022, Week4) icon-zip


Please note that as commodities (Gold Standard Futures, etc.) will be transferred to Osaka Exchange (OSE) from Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) on July 27, 2020, weekly figures from July 2020 to September 2021 will be displayed in terms of trading volume, and all trading values will be displayed as "-". For products on Tokyo Commodity Exchange (Platts Dubai Crude Oil Futures, etc.), the trading volume and trading value for September 2021 will be the sum of the fourth and fifth weeks of September 2021, as the investment category started on the fourth week of that month.


Osaka Exchange, Inc. Market Planning Data Services

Tokyo Commodity Exchange, Inc. Business Operations