Application of XBRL to Timely Disclosure Information

TSE's Involvement in E-disclosure

TSE recognizes that information released by listed companies plays an important part in investment decisions and has been committed to improving the electronic disclosure system to ensure the swift and accurate dissemination of corporate information to investors.

Year Activity
1998 ・Launch of first generation TDnet system (change to electronic disclosure from paper-based disclosure)
1999 ・Establishment of rules for timely disclosure of corporate information

・Launch of nationally connected system (Nagoya Stock Exchange, Fukuoka Stock Exchange and Sapporo Securities Exchange begin using TDnet)
2000 ・Launch of online registration system

・JASDAQ begins using TDnet
2003 ・Launch of free stock price search tool on the TSE website

・Launch of second generation TDnet system (incorporation of XBRL, provision of numerical data and greatly enhanced security)
2004 ・Start of publication of quarterly disclosure information via the TSE website

・Issuers of Green Sheet issues, whose system was operated by Japan Securities Dealers Association, begin using TDnet

・Launch of Company Announcements Disclosure Service (no-fee real-time provision for 8 days)

・Launch of Listed Company Search
2005 ・Start of publication on the TSE website of written oaths regarding disclosure and written confirmations regarding appropriateness and accuracy of securities reports and semi-annual reports

・Expansion of Company Announcements Disclosure Service (no-fee, real-time provision for 31 days)

・Start of provision of numerical data of quarterly disclosure information and storing of XBRL data

・Osaka Securities Exchange begins using TDnet

・Unification of timely disclosure systems in Japan onto TDnet, enhancing convenience for investors and listed companies
2006 ・Expansion of Company Announcements Disclosure Service (addition of information retrieval function)

・Trial opening of XBRL data via TSE's XBRL site (preliminary reporting of business results)
2007 ・Expansion of the provision of timely disclosure information on the TSE website (up to about five years for financial results, and up to one year for corporate decisions and other material facts)

・Launch of Corporate Governance Information Search
2008 ・Launch of third generation TDnet system, featuring full support for XBRL disclosure and dissemination
2010 ・Start of provision of XBRL data of annual financial statements
2011 ・Implementation of IFRS in XBRL format
2014 ・Incorporation of Inline XBRL

・Implementation of REIT in XBRL format
2015 ・Launch of fourth generation TDnet system
2021 ・Launch of fifth generation TDnet system

While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the contents on this website, TSE does not guarantee that they are free from errors and/or omissions. The rules and numerical values indicated in these contents are based on information sources that TSE deems reliable, but this does not mean than TSE can guarantee their accuracy or completeness.