Application of XBRL to Timely Disclosure Information

XBRL Data Specifications

XBRL data is provided on TDnet for earnings reports, corrections of earnings and dividends forecasts, and corporate governance reports of listed companies.
In addition, HTML data is provided for the pages of earnings reports following their tables of contents. (Applies to earnings reports that include a quarterly accounting period that begins on or after April 1, 2024)
XBRL data is also provided for the earnings reports of listed Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs).

Application of XBRL to Timely Disclosure Information (in Japanese only)

Preparing Earnings Report Summaries in XBRL Format

For guides to preparing earnings summaries in XBRL format, please see the following files:

  • Preparing Earnings Summary Reporting Instances (in Japanese only)
  • Preparing Earnings Summary Company Extension Taxonomies (in Japanese only)

XBRL Specifications for Earnings Reports, etc. and Corporate Governance Reports

For rules and explanations of the settings, and Item Lists for earnings reports, etc., please see the following files:

  • Rules for Taxonomy Settings for Timely Disclosure System (in Japanese only)
  • Explanation of Taxonomies for Timely Disclosure System (in Japanese only)
  • Item List

For explanations and an Item List for Corporate Governance Reports, please see the following files:

  • Explanation of Taxonomies for Timely Disclosure System (in Japanese only)
  • Item List
  • Taxonomies for Earnings Reports
  • Taxonomies for Corporate Governance Reports
  • Sample Instances
  • ・Sample instances are used without regard to the validity of disclosed accounts or the consistency of numerical values.

XBRL Specifications for Financial Statements

  • Preparing Report Instances (in Japanese only)
  • Preparing Submitter-specific Taxonomies (in Japanese only)

Document File Specifications for Earnings Reports

For document file specifications for Earnings Reports, please see the following files:

  • Document File Specifications for Earnings Reports (in Japanese only)