Reference Data

Outlines of Service

Data for Trading Participants provides the transaction data of each trading participant.

Main User Types

Securities Company

Data Overview

File Name Overview
Executed Transaction Provides executed transaction data of each trading participant
Give-Up/ Take-Up details Provides daily give-up/take-up details of each trading participant
Trading Analysis Data Provides following four types of data, aggregated by trading participant for order and execution information.
・Cross Trade Data
・Order Volume Increase
・Buy and Sell with price movement
・Rapid Tick-by-Tick Change

Delivery Channel and Data Specification

Executed Transaction and Give-Up/Take-Up details

Service Type Overview Connection Specifications
Data Feed Service Pulling data from our information distribution system via internet FTP and SFTP. icon-pdf

Trading Analysis

Service Type Overview
Amazon S3 The data provided by this service is uploaded to buckets on the public cloud provided by Amazon Web Services, and customers can download and use the data they wish to use from buckets through the Internet using an Access Key ID etc., granted by JPXI.
  • ・Sample files are available prior to service application.

Contract and Application

Executed Transaction and Give-Up/Take-Up details

To start using this service, you need to conclude a contract with JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc.
Please inquire with using the banner "For a new application" about detailed contract procedures.
Please inquire with using the banner "For an inquiry" if you would need the detailed information for the service or you are interested in free trial.


Products Frequently Purchased Together

Index Data Service

Index Data Services provide data on all indices calculated by JPXI and their constituent issues.

Corporate Action Data Service

Corporate Action Data Service provides corporate action information of all listed companies in Japan.