Equities Trading Services



The RFQ platform CONNEQTOR was developed for instituional investors wishing to trade ETFs with RFQ(Request For Quote). It was developed from November 2019, and launched in February 2021. We adopted the lean agile development for building this platform to keep improving it with rapid cycles of research and development.

Further information on CONNEQTOR can be found in the following page.

RFQ Platform

Data Feed Service regarding arrowhead and ToSTNeT

FLEX Historical Data

TSE stores real time market data on a daily basis and provides the data as historical information of Tick data.

After May 24, 2021, the data are provided in packet capture format (.pcap) with reception time (timestamp) of real time market data. FLEX Historical users can perform detailed market analysis and backtesting.

For further information on the service, please refer to the following page.

FLEX Historical Data

API Service for Last Sales Informaton

Last Sales Information (information for which 20 minutes or more has elapsed since distribution from TSE market information system) of listed company shares on the TSE, Fukuoka Stock Exchange and Sapporo Securities Exchange is provided in API.

For further information on the service, please refer to the following page.

API Service for Last Sales Informaton

Alternative Data Service

TSE uploads Alternative Data into buckets on the public cloud provided by Amazon Web Services.
The data currently provided by arrowhead as Alternative Data is "arrowhead System Stats (Data relating to arrowhead server usage rates and order numbers)".

For further information on the service, please refer to the following page.

Alternative Data Service

Notice Batch Data File Service

After the close of the session on each trading day, the daily notices (acceptance-related and execution-related notices) regarding trading participants using the service are provided in a batch.
This service is available for arrowhead and ToSTNeT. The provision time is as follows.

System Provision Time
arrowhead 16:00~17:40 on each trading day
ToSTNeT 18:00~19:40 on each trading day
  • ・The information is provided via Tokyo Market Information (TMI) system. If trading participants plan to start using the service, Application for use of the TMI system is also required.

For further information on the service outline and the system interface specification, please refer to the following documents.

[Current System]

Service Outline icon-pdf
System Interface Specification icon-pdf

[After arrowhead 4.0 goes live] *November 5, 2024 (scheduled)

Service Outline icon-pdf
System Interface Specification icon-pdf

Tokyo Stock Exchange Official Guide Pricing Mechanism of arrowhead

Tokyo Stock Exchange Official Guide

On April 12, 2021, Tokyo Stock Exchange published a book explaining the price formation logic of the stock market, which explains the price formation logic employed by arrowhead in detail and in an easy-to-understand manner through a total of 68 examples.

For details, please refer to the following pages.

Tokyo Stock Exchange Official Guide Pricing Mechanism of arrowhead (Amazon)icon-block