Indicative NAV

ETN Current Price, Indicative NAV

The current price, comparison to previous day, indicative NAV, trading volume and sponsor name for TSE ETNs are available as below.

  • The website distributes indicative NAV information calculated by ICE Data Services.
  • The website distributes indicative NAV information calculated by Qontigo Index GmbH. Currently, indicative NAV information for issue codes 2070, 2071, 2072 and 2073 is available.

List of ETNs Subject to Indicative NAV Publication (ETN Database)
  • ・Current prices and indicative NAV on this webpage update every 15 seconds.
  • ・ETNs without indicative NAV calculation display "-" instead, and their market data are delayed at least by 20 minutes.
  • ・ETNs calculate indicative NAV by use of benchmark indices or their estimated values (including use of any calculation elements external to market value evaluation of the original index constituents), differently from the regular calculation method that uses market prices of the portfolio actually held by the fund.
  • ・For ETNs only the indicative NAV is disclosed while the PCF is not disclosed.