Real Time Market Data

To acquire OSE and TOCOM market data, an “Information Provision Agreement” with OSE may be required. For whether it is necessary to enter into an Agreement with OSE and for fee categories, etc., please see the flow chart below.

Flow chart(Necessity of Agreement, fee categories, etc.) icon-pdf

Information Provision Agreement

Contractual Procedures

To enter into an “Information Provision Agreement” with OSE, the following procedures are required. (Redistribution of data acquired from OSE to any third party is prohibited without prior permission from OSE.)

Process Average Time Taken
(1)-1 Confirmation of Data Usage, Fees, etc. (effective till May 12, 2024)   
Please see “Policies Regarding Usage of Market Information”
icon-pdf Approx. one month
(1)-2 Confirmation of Data Usage, Fees, etc. (effective from May 13, 2024)   
Please see “Policies Regarding Usage of Market Information”
(2) Execution of “Information Provision Agreement”
An exchange of signatures is required.
The following documents need to be submitted for execution of the agreement:
・Most recent annual profit & loss (income statement) and balance sheet
・Certificate of Incorporation/Business License or equivalent such as LEI Code*
*An LEI (Legal Entity Identifier) can be used as a substitute to this document.
  About LEI:
  LEI Search: Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation “LEI Search 2.0 Beta”
・ A diagram of computer system network, which simply but clearly shows the flow of OSE market data from your vendor(s) to you (and from you to a third party if externally redistributed)
(3) Registering information on MICS (online registration).
OSE will provide instructions when the Agreement is executed.

  • ・For direct connections to the Market Information System, other procedures will be required, such as applying for a Market Data User ID, applying for and setting up a connection to the network, and applying for a TMI connection ID.
    It takes approximately one month to receive a Market Data User ID, two months to connect to the network (four to six months for a 10G network), and one month to receive a TMI connection ID.

For Commodity Futures/Options Market Data Users

  • Precious Metal, Rubber and Agricultural products listed on TOCOM were transferred to OSE on July 27, 2020 (Product Transfer Date), and they have been provided as a part of OSE market data services since. Further, on September 21, 2021 (J-GATE 3.0 go-live), OSE will start to offer CME Group Petroleum Index Futures that are scheduled to join the OSE Energy Market. Please note that, in order to acquire and use these market data, it is necessary to have an Information Provision Agreement with OSE.
  • For Energy and Chukyo Oil which have remained on TOCOM, TOCOM and OSE have concluded an outsourcing agreement for providing its market data services. Therefore, it is necessary to have an Information Provision Agreement with OSE for these products as well, on and after July 27, 2020.
  • All users, including Transaction Participants, Commodity Futures Business Operators and Prop Houses, need to obtain approval from OSE as said above.
  • For the distribution of Real-Time Information in a manner such as via Subscription-Based Terminal Services, terminal fees apply according to OSE's Policies Regarding Usage of Market Information. Please see 9. Fee Structure - II Usage Classification Fee - 1. Fees for external distribution of Information - (1)Terminal fees - ①Terminal Fees for Institutional Usage/ ②Terminal Fees for Personal Usage, for more details. Displaying both OSE and TOCOM Commodity market data on real time on one and the same terminal should be reported as "one" terminal, and OSE will charge the fee accordingly.

Inquiry/Contact for License

Osaka Exchange Inc. Market Planning, Data Services

Inquiry/Contact for User IDs, Network Connection, TMI Connection, etc.

JPX Service Desk