News Release

Feb. 25, 2022 JPX JPX Publishes English Version of First Report from Sustainable Finance Platform Development Working Group


In October 2021, Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (JPX) established a Sustainable Finance Platform Development Working Group consisting of a varied range of related parties including issuers, institutional investors, and academics, to consider the practical issues around the creation of an information platform that gathers and provides a wide range of information on green bonds and similar products, alongside other related topics. The Working Group met four times between then and January 21, 2022 and published its First Report in Japanese on January 31.

JPX has today published an English translation of this report, which can be found below.

The Report summarizes the Working Group's discussions so far. It also sets out practical aspects of how the platform should look and the issues that will need to be tackled to ensure further enhancement and transparency of the market in the future, as well as possible responses to those issues, with the aim of contributing to the sustainable development of the market and wider economy by spurring deeper dialogue on ESG among all market players including issuers, investors, and review providers.

First Report of the Sustainable Finance Platform Development Working Group icon-pdf

The Japanese version of the report can be found here.

「サステナブルファイナンス環境整備検討会 中間報告書」の公表について


Japan Exchange Group, Inc. Sustainability Department