Market News

Nov. 29, 2019 TSE TSE Establishes the Study Group to review Minority Shareholder Protection and other Framework of Quasi-Controlled Listed Companies


Today, Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. ("TSE") has established the "Study Group to review Minority Shareholder Protection of Quasi-Controlled Listed Companies." The Study Group will discuss matters such as (a) how to manage shareholder conflict of interest, ie the interests of a quasi-controlling shareholder(s) who has substantial control based on the holdings of voting rights of listed companies ("Quasi-Controlling Shareholder"), and minority shareholders of listed companies controlled by such Quasi-Controlling Shareholder(s) ("Quasi-Controlled Listed Companies") and (b) frameworks of minority shareholder protection. For further information please refer to the below link.

Study Group to review Minority Shareholder Protection and other Framework of Quasi-Controlled Listed Companies


Listing Department