Market News

Jul. 10, 2018 TSE Entry into Grace Period pertaining to Reassignment to the 2nd Section from the 1st Section: CareerIndex Inc. and 1 Other Issue


The following issues have entered into a grace period pertaining to reassignment to the 2nd Section from the 1st Section.

1.Issue Name CareerIndex Inc. stock (Code: 6538, Market: 1st Section)

YAMAYA CORPORATION stock (Code: 9994, Market: 1st Section)
2. Grace Period From Apr. 01, 2018 (Sun.) to Mar. 31, 2019 (Sun.)
3.Reason Due to the number of shareholders on Mar. 31, 2018 being less than the number (2,000) prescribed in the criteria for reassignment to the 2nd Section from the 1st Section.
(Securities Listing Regulations, Rule 311, Paragraph 1, Item 1)
Current Designations of Issues in a Grace Period
Designation History of Issues in a Grace Period

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Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department, Listed Company Administration, Listed Company Services