Market News

Sep. 27, 2021 TOCOM Eligible contract months of Platts Dubai Crude Oil Futures in the Market Maker Program


To ensure the smooth trading implementation for investors and improve liquidity in the futures and options markets, Tokyo Commodity Exchange (TOCOM) has implemented the Market Maker Program which requires designated market makers to post continuous two-way quotes under the conditions prescribed by TOCOM.

TOCOM changed the number of contract months for Platts Dubai Crude Oil Futures from 6 contract months to 15 contract months on Tuesday, September 21, 2021, but we would like to emphasize that TOCOM has not changed the eligible contract months of the Futures in the Market Maker Program:

<Eligible contract months in the Market Maker Program>
-Platts Dubai Crude Oil Futures: 5th and 6th contract months

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Market Maker Program


Tokyo Commodity Exchange 