Market News

Jan. 10, 2025 TSE Decision on Delisting, etc.: SAMTY HOLDINGS Co.,Ltd.


TSE has decided on delisting and designation as Securities to Be Delisted as follows.

1.Delisting and Designation as Securities to Be Delisted

(1)Issue Name SAMTY HOLDINGS Co.,Ltd. stock
(Code: 187A, Market Segment: Prime Market)
(2)Period of Designation as
   Securities to Be Delisted
From Jan. 10, 2025 (Fri.) to Jan. 29, 2025 (Wed.)
(3)Delisting Date Jan. 30, 2025 (Thu.)
(Note) In cases where circumstances in which the company should be promptly delisted occur, TSE may change the period of designation as Securities to Be Delisted and the delisting date.
   (Related Clause)
Due to falling under a case where the company implements a reverse stock split with a split ratio at which the number of all the shares owned by shareholders other than a specified party will be less than one share
(Securities Listing Regulations, Rule 601, Paragraph 1, Item (18))
(5)Details of Reason At the general shareholders meeting of SAMTY HOLDINGS Co.,Ltd. (hereinafter "the Company") held today, the agenda item regarding a reverse stock split with a split ratio at which each of the shares held by shareholders other than specified entities will be less than one share was approved.

2.Exclusion from Securities in Lieu of Money

The stock of the Company will be excluded from securities in lieu of money for the following items from Jan. 14, 2025 (Tue.) inclusive.
- Customer margin for margin transactions and when-issued transactions
- Trading margin for when-issued transactions
- Trading participant security money
- Participant bonds

Current Designations of Securities Under Supervision & Securities to Be Delisted
Designation History of Securities Under Supervision & Securities to Be Delisted

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Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Listing Department, Corporate Disclosure Office, Planning & Coordination, Listed Company Services