The cautions and the timing of updates of the information from QUICK Corp.


  • Information data (information) on this website, such as stock prices, price charts, stock price indices, and futures prices, are provided by QUICK Corporation (QUICK) or its data providers.
  • All rights related to the information including copyrights belong to QUICK or its data providers.
  • While every effort is made to ensure the completeness of the information, Japan Exchange Group, Inc. (including Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc., Osaka Exchange, Inc. and JPX Market Innovation & Research, Inc), QUICK or its data providers shall not be held liable for the accuracy or reliability of the information, or responsible for any data inaccuracy, etc. in any event. Contents of the information may be revised, and its publication may be delayed or terminated without prior notice. Storage, editing, and processing, etc. and provision of the information in any form to a third party is strictly prohibited.
  • Information is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as investment advice or solicitation, or guarantees the value of any securities. The viewer is expected to use the data or other information at its own risk.

Data Updates

Stocks, ETF, REIT, etc.

  • All stock price indices and price information are delayed as follows.

Information Type Data Updates
Stock Price Index, Mini Chart, Real-Time Chart All indices except Nikkei 225 and Nikkei 225 VI At least 1 minute delay
Nikkei 225 and Nikkei 225 VI At least 20 minute delay
Trading Volume/ Trading Value Every 15 minutes
Ranking by Trading Value At least 20 minute delay
Stock Data Search At least 20 minute delay
Stock/Bond Market Data Twice a day (JST 12:00 and 18:00)


  • Futures prices are delayed by at least 20 minutes.
  • The execution data from J-NET Trading and strategy instruments are not included in the figures for open, high, low, and last price, or volume.
  • For JGB Futures, the top page and charts show only the day session data.
  • Data is updated as follows.

Information Type Approximate Time of Updates
Futures Price Chart Except JGB Futures 16:20 every trading day, including trading days on national holidays
JGB Futures 15:40 every business day
Futures Price Information Whole Day Except JGB Futures 16:20 every trading day, including trading days on national holidays0
JGB Futures 15:40 every business day
Night Session Except JGB Futures 16:20 every trading day, including trading days on national holidays
JGB Futures 15:40 every business day
Day Session Except JGB Futures 8:00 every trading day, including trading days on national holidays
JGB Futures 8:00 every business day

  • Central contract month is displayed for futures charts. For futures price information, two nearest contract months is displayed (for Nikkei 225 and Nikkei 225 mini, three nearest contract months).
  • Central contract months used for futures charts are selected by QUICK, and are subject to review on a daily basis based on previous day trading volume.
  • Data is updated as follows.

Product Type Approximate Time of Updates
Futures (central contract month) Whole Day Except JGB Futures 16:20
Day Session Except JGB Futures 4:40
JGB Futures 4:40
Futures (except central contract month) Whole Day Except JGB Futures 16:30
JGB Futures 15:45
Night Session Except JGB Futures 16:30
JGB Futures 15:45
Day Session Except JGB Futures 6:50
JGB Futures 6:50

  • The open/high/low/last prices and trading volumes, etc., of holiday trading will be published under "Whole Day" and "Night Session" as a continuation of the Night Session of the business day preceding the holiday.
  • Data on holiday trading days will not be published separately.
    Please refer to the following page for more information.
    Holiday Trading

Circuit Breaker Trigger Information

  • Circuit breaker activation information is updated every minute (real time).
    For more information on the Circuit Breaker rule, please refer to the following page.
    Price Limits/ Circuit Breaker Rule

Notes of Historical Charts (Stock Price Index)

If only TOPIX, or any one of the Size-based, New Index Series, or Sector indices is selected, Prime Market trading volume will also be shown.


TOPIX Style Index Series
Name Base Date Base Value Retrospect Start Date
TOPIX January 4, 1968 100 January 4, 1968
Size-based TOPIX Sub-index series January 4, 1968 100 January 4, 1968
TOPIX Core30
TOPIX Large70
TOPIX Mid400
April 1, 1998 1,000 January 4, 1993
TOPIX 1000 September 12, 2003 1,000 September 11, 1998
TOPIX Small500 August 31, 2018 1,000 August 31, 2018
TOPIX Micro Cap August 18, 2023 10,000 August 18, 2023
TOPIX Sector Indices
(exc Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Wholesale Trade,
Retail Trade, Banks, Securities & Commodities Futures,
Insurance, Other Financial Business)
January 4, 1968 100 January 4, 1968
(Air Transportation sector is
valid from February 2, 1970)
TOPIX Sector Indices
(Chemicals, Pharmaceutical, Wholesale Trade,
Retail Trade, Banks, Securities & Commodities Futures,
Insurance, Other Financial Business)
January 6, 1992 1,000 January 4, 1983
TOPIX-17 Series December 30, 2002 100 July 5, 1993
TOPIX Style Index Series (TOPIX Value, TOPIX Growth, TOPIX500 Value, TOPIX500 Growth, TOPIX Small Value, TOPIX Small Growth) November 25, 2008 1,000 November 1, 1999
TOPIX Style Index Series (Other than the above) August 18, 2023 10,000 August 18, 2023
TOPIX Leveraged Indexes
TOPIX Inverse Indexes
December 30, 2011 10,000 January 5, 2009
TOPIX Ex-Financials July 5, 1993 1,000 July 5, 1993
TOPIX High Dividend Yield 40 Index August 25, 2017 1,000 August 25, 2017
TOPIX Total Return Index January 4, 1989 2,375.30 September 26, 2000
TOPIX 100 Total Return Index July 5, 1993 1,117.09 July 5, 1993
JPX Prime 150 Index May 26, 2023 1,000 May 26, 2023
JPX-Nikkei Index 400 August 30, 2013 10,000 August 31, 2006
JPX-Nikkei 400 Leveraged Index
JPX-Nikkei 400 Inverse Index
August 30, 2013 10,000 August 31, 2006
JPX-Nikkei Mid and Small Cap Index August 31, 2016 10,000 August 31, 2006
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Index March 31, 2003 1,000 March 31, 2003
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Leveraged Index
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Inverse Index
December 7, 2018 10,000 December 7, 2018
Tokyo Stock Exchange Infrastructure Funds Index March 27, 2020 1,000 March 27, 2020
Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market 250 Index
(previously known as Tokyo Stock Exchange Mothers Index)
September 12, 2003 1,000 March 30, 2001
Tokyo Stock Exchange Dividend Focus 100 Index February 26, 2010 1,000 January 31, 2007
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Property Sector Index Series February 26, 2010 1,000 February 26, 2010
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Core Index February 23, 2018 1,000 February 23, 2018
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Logistics Focus Index July 3, 2020 1,000 July 3, 2020
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Office Focus Index August 18, 2023 1,000 August 18, 2023
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Residential Focus Index August 18, 2023 1,000 August 18, 2023
Tokyo Stock Exchange REIT Hotel & Retail Focus Index August 18, 2023 1,000 August 18, 2023
(Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market Index,
Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market Index,
Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Index)
April 1, 2022 1,000 April 4, 2022
Tokyo Stock Exchange Prime Market Composite Index April 1, 2022 1,000 April 4, 2022
Tokyo Stock Exchange Growth Market Core Index April 1, 2022 1,000 April 4, 2022
Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market TOP20 Index April 1, 2022 1,000 April 4, 2022
Ex-Tokyo Stock Exchange First Section Index January 4, 1968 100 April 4, 2022
Kyodai-Kawakita/JPX Japan Index January 27, 2023 10,000 January 27, 2023