Independent Directors/Auditors

Appointment of Independent Directors by TSE-Listed Companies

Ratio of Prime Market Companies with 1/3 or more Independent Directors

Ratio of Prime Market Companies with 1/3 or more Independent Directors

Ratio of Prime Market Companies with Majority Independent Directors

Ratio of Prime Market Companies with Majority Independent Directors
  • ・This figure is based on Corporate Governance Reports submitted through July 12, 2024.

Status of Securing Independent Directors, etc. (survey results)

For the results of the survey on the status of securing independent directors, etc. at listed companies, please see below.

Report Name File
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies(July 24, 2024) icon-pdf
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies(July 31, 2023) icon-pdf
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies(August 3, 2022) icon-pdf
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies(August 2, 2021) icon-pdf
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies(September 7, 2020)
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies(August 1, 2019)
Appointment of Independent Directors,Establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committees, and Disclosure of Sodanyaku, Komon etc. (i.e. Former President・CEOs Holding Advisory Positions) by TSE-Listed Companies (July 31, 2018) icon-pdf
Appointment of Independent Directors and Establishment of Nomination/Remuneration Committees by TSE-Listed Companies (July 26, 2017) icon-pdf
Appointment of Independent Directors by TSE-Listed Companies [Final Figures] (July 27, 2016) icon-pdf
Appointment of Outside Directors by TSE-Listed Companies [Final Report] (July 29, 2015) icon-pdf
Appointment of Outside Directors by TSE-Listed Companies [Final Report] (July 25, 2014) icon-pdf