FAQ (Statistics)

Benchmark of Stocks

A1. PER and PBR are calculated based on the results.
A2. It means that it is impossible to calculate PER because net income per share is negative.

Investment Trends by Investor Category

A1. Scope of "Investment Trends by Investor Category" is limited to trading participants with capital of at least 3 billion yen. So among the trading participants of the scope, total sales don't balance with total purchases.
A2. Scope of "Investment Trends by Investor Category" is limited to trading participants with capital of at least 3 billion yen. So the total figures of "Investment Trends by Investor Category"are smaller than total trading volume / value of the market.
A3. Scope of "Investment Trends by Investor Category" is limited to the transactions on the exchange of the equities of Japanese companies listed on the Tokyo and Nagoya stock exchanges.
A4. Off-exchange transactions are not included in the figures of "Investment Trends by Investor Category." So transactions for TOB are not covered.

Summary of Earnings Digests by Listed Companies

A1. Net Income, Net Assets and Amount of Dividends Paid in the summary are including those of preferred stocks. But Net Income, Net Assets and Amount of Dividends Paid to calculate ROE, Dividend payout ratio and Ratio of Dividends to Net Assets are excluding those of preferred stocks. So ROE, Dividend payout ratio and Ratio of Dividends to Net Assets are different from results calculated from Net Income, Net Assets or Amount of Dividends Paid.
A2. It means that it is impossible to calculate Dividend payout ratio because net income is negative.
A3. Number of companies counted is changed in order to be able to make comparisons between certain year and the previous year.

Short Selling Value

A1. Trading participants are required to mark their sell orders when they put sell orders as long sale, short selling with price restrictions or short selling without price restricitions. TSE calculates the trading value of each mark and disclose the infomation on the following page.
Short Selling Value

TSE disclose the information in the 3 categories but in some cases Short Selling Value of TSE is mentioned as sum of short selling with price restrictions and short selling without price restricitions.
A2. Short Selling Value is caluculated from the trading flow of each day based on the short selling marks which trading participants are required to put when placing sell orders. Even if a investor short-sale stocks and buy back them in the next instant, the short sale is culculated as "Short Selling Value" though the short sale position has closed.
On the other hand, outstanding positions of short selling is collected information from investors which means the positions the investors have to buy back in the future. But please note all information on outstanding short selling infomation is disclosed. Only investors whose short selling posions exceed 0.50% are subject to disclose their position in public.