LNG (Platts JKM) Futures

About LNG (Platts JKM) Futures

LNG, liquefied natural gas, is natural gas cooled down to -162C to liquid. The cooling process shrinks the volume of the gas 600 times, making it easier and safer to store and ship. It is widely used as a power generation fuel and city gas in Japan. LNG plays important role in energy transmission as most environment-friendly fossil fuels which eneble to generate power stably and efficiently.


About JKM(Japan Korea Marker)

JKM is the Northeast Asian spot price index for LNG delivered ex-ship to Japan and Korea, assessed by S&P Global Platts. The price reflects not only the cargo deliverd to Japan and Korea, but also the cargo deliverd to Taiwan and China. Northeasten Asia is the world largest consumer region of LNG. More than half of global LNG import volume is shared by Japan, Korea, Taiwan and China.


Trade Members

TOCOM Trade Members

Reference Information

Useful Links

JOGMEC - Natural gas and LNG related informationicon-block
The Institute of Energy Economics, Japanicon-block
S&P Global Commodity Insights - LNGicon-block

Vendor Codes

  • Bloomberg:JGLA Comdty
  • Refinitiv:JLNGcn
  • JIJI Press:LNGM/TC