Securities Codes

Securities Code

The major securities codes currently assigned by the Securities Identification Code Committee are listed below.

The Secretariat of the Securities Identification Code Committee also has the authority to assign securities codes to products other than those listed below.
In addition to assigning securities codes to issues, various code systems are also established.

Code Type Issue Code, New Securities Code, ISIN Code, Standard Code for managing securities companies
Securities Publicly traded stocks, publicly offered bonds, and other listed securities
  • ・ISIN codes are also set for paperless CPs handled by Japan Securities Depository Center, Inc. and for municipal bonds and investment trusts underwritten by banks by the Secretariat of the Securities Identification Code Committee.

Identification Codes by Securities Type

This code is set for each security type to complement the securities code.

Identification code by securities type (as of May 1, 2008) icon-pdf

Exchange/System Identification Code

This code is intended to identify exchanges, systems, and transactions in the input/output message data in business systems such as exchange trading systems.

Exchange/System Identification Code (as of Jul.1, 2012) icon-pdf

Numbering Rules

Codes assigned to listed stock and publicly offered bonds, as well as futures and options are set based on a fixed coding system. Users of this website are strictly prohibited from setting codes for as yet unassigned issues based on the documents below, and using them in public without approval from the SICC secretariat.
For details, please refer to the documents below.

Guideline of Setting, Change, and Deletion of Stock and Bond Codes icon-pdf
 Specific Name Code Range icon-pdf
 Order of Assigning Stock Codes icon-pdf
New Securities Codes Specifications icon-pdf
Identification Code Specifications for Futures and Options Transactions icon-pdf
Identification Code Specifications for Security Options Transaction icon-pdf
  • ・Other specifications related to securities codes, such as standard code specifications, are included in Securities Code Data (former service name "Securities Code CD-ROM").