Other Statistics


Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
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2022年 Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel
2021年 Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel
2020年 Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel Excel
Notification(Apr. 08,2022) icon-pdf
2013 - 2019(PDF・Excel) icon-zip
2005 - 2012(PDF) icon-zip
long-range data (composite) icon-xls
Calculation method of PER/PBR(Feb. 01,2024) icon-pdf
  • ・Updated at approximately 1:00 p.m. on the 1st business day of each month.
  • ・For specific PER and PBR of a listed company, please use the Stock Data Search on the top page of this website.


Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Equities, Data Services